LAST GENERATION NETWORK NEWS: "Christian Edition" DECEMBER 6, 2013 - FRIDAY - Tevet 3, 5774 Vol.I No.7

Last Generation Network News
December 6, 2013 –FRIDAY- Tevet 3, 5774
   Vol I. No.7
"Facts are subjective; Jesus is the Truth" -MJS

This day we give thanks for the life of Nelson Mandela.
He led a nation on a long walk to freedom.
He fought for reconciliation and not retribution. 
He argued for peace in place of war.

Lord, we give you thanks for Madiba.

When other surrendered to darkness he kept faith with the promise of tomorrow.
He envisioned a path to "heal the wounds of the past... "
...with the intent of constructing a new order based on justice for all."
His work inspired the world.

Lord, we give you thanks for Madiba.

In his time, the powers and the principalities reviled Jesus.
The leaders of great nations in our time called Mandela a terrorist and a communist.
Powerful interests stood up for white supremacy during the Apartheid era.
Mandela stood up for the least of these.

Lord, we give you thanks for Madiba.

Death is not the final victory.
Nothing can silence the voice of Nelson Mandela - not Robin Island, not death. 
His words are eternal.
His voice will echo throughout time.

Lord, we give you thanks for Madiba.

Let us have an ounce of his courage.
Let us have an ounce of his faith.
Comfort those in South Africa and across the world who mourn.
Let the work of Nelson Mandela continue in us.

Lord, we give you thanks for Madiba.


Debating The Authenticity Of St. Peter's Bones

VINCENZO PINTO via Getty Images

Threatening Graffiti Attack Won't Stop Women Of The Wall


Former Priest to Wed Pope Adviser's Daughter And Mother Of His Child

Rev Thomas Williams

30 Minnesota Priests Accused Of Sexually Abusing Minors

Minnesota Archdiocese

The War On Christmas Is Over!

This Is The Last Thing That Ever Needs To Be Said About It

Pastor Rick Warren Opens Up About Son's Suicide


Pope Francis Gets Serious About Child Sex Abuse In Catholic Church

Pope Francis

Talk Of Hagia Sophia Mosque Raises Concern


Magic Johnson's Christian Message Of Love For His Gay Son

Magic Johnson

'The Pastors Should Be In Jail'

Hiv Pentecostals

Will Putin Grant Pussy Riot Amnesty?

Putin Amnesty

Catholics Demand Rush Limbaugh Apologize For Pope Francis Remarks

Rush Limbaugh

Pope Francis Prays For 12 Syrian Nuns

Pope Francis



The 12 Dangers Of Christmas

Where Pope Francis Is Going At Night

Jorge Bergoglio

Important Ancient Manuscripts To Go Online

Gutenberg Bibles

Rush Limbaugh vs. Pope Francis

Rush Pope

The One Belief That Ties All Religions Together

Own Super Soul Sunday Karen Armstrong

'Tips For Jesus' Go BIG


The Last 24 hours

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White House Admits Obama Briefly Lived with Uncle


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Updated 45 minutes ago

Movie Review: 'Black Nativity' Safe Pick for Family Night


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Harry Reid Exempts His Staffers from Obamacare

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Maryland Nativity Scene Sparks Atheist Backlash


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Generous Mystery Tipper Leaving 'TipsforJesus'


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December 2013 WORLD Headlines

Bishop: Sudan's Christians 'Are On the Cross' Daily

Twenty-two years of war between North and South Sudan ended when southerners gained independence in July 2011.

South Africa's Greatest Son: World Mourns Mandela

Leaders and ordinary citizens across the globe are paying tribute Friday to South African anti-apartheid revolutionary Nelson Mandela, who died Thursday at age 95.

Algeria Forces Kill Top Al Qaeda Leader

Algerian army helicopters killed a top al Qaeda leader and four associates Thursday as they sped through the southern part of the country, a government official said.

American Teacher Slain While Jogging in Benghazi

Unknown assailants shot an American teacher to death as he was jogging on Thursday in Benghazi, a hospital official said, underlining persistently tenuous security in the eastern Libyan city.

Truck Thieves Could Die from Radioactive Exposure

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Egypt Arrests Most Famous Christian Convert

Bishoy Armiya, Egypt's most famous Christian convert from Islam, has been arrested by national security forces.

Saeed Robbed, Threatened at Knifepoint in Prison

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VIRAL: Man Attributes Miracle Survival to Psalm 54

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Pope Francis Urges Prayer for Kidnapped Nuns

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Parents Outraged over 'Racist' Threat for Islam Workshop

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Filipinos Determined to Rise above Disaster

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Croatia Voters Ban Gay Marriage with Amendment

Voters in Croatia overwhelmingly approved a measure to define marriage as a "union of a man and woman."

Christian Boy's Tortured Death in India 'Unthinkable'

A seven-year-old boy was tortured and murdered for his Christian faith in India.

US Concerned about Detained Elderly American

The White House National Security Council is urging North Korea to release two detained Americans.



December 2013 US Headlines

Movie Review: 'Black Nativity' Safe Pick for Family Night

Looking for something to watch with your family this Christmas season? Try "Black Nativity," which is now out in theaters.

Maryland Nativity Scene Sparks Atheist Backlash

A Nativity scene in Hancock, Md., has sparked a backlash from atheists.

Midwest, Plains Prepare for 'Ice Friday'

Freezing temperatures continue to sweep through the nation Friday.

Are American Students Really that Dumb?

New international test scores show American students lagging behind in math and performing about average in science and reading. But critics say there's no reason for alarm.

Generous Mystery Tipper Leaving 'TipsforJesus'

An anonymous diner has been leaving generous tips at restaurants across the country.

YouVersion Bible App for Kids a Game Changer?

The creators of YouVersion, the popular free Bible app, have just released another free app geared at kids ages 4 through 10.

Idaho Child Dies in Fatal School Bus Collision

A young boy died Thursday when his school bus collided with a dump truck in Idaho's Canyon County on its way to Kuna Elementary School.

Martin Bashir Resigns over Defamatory Palin Remarks

In November, the MSNBC host suggested on air that someone should defecate in Palin's mouth, referring to a punishment that one slave-owner used in Jamaica in the 1700s.

Gay Wedding Cake Case about Conscience, Not Commerce

A ruling is expected this week in the case of the Colorado baker who refused to sell a wedding cake to a gay couple because of his Christian faith.

Rockwell 'Saying Grace' Art Fetches Record $46M

An iconic Norman Rockwell painting about praying in public has been sold at auction for a record-setting $46 million.

South Carolina Schools Can Keep Prayer for Now

A South Carolina school district can continue to allow student-led prayer and hold school events in places of worship while a lawsuit over the issues continues.

'It's OK to Say Merry Christmas' Signs Pop Up Again

For the second year, Christmas signs have mysteriously popped up in Redmond, Wash., outside places like City Hall, schools, and local churches.

Plains, Midwest Wake to Coldest Weather in Decades

Most of the nation is waking up to a deadly blast of arctic weather Thursday, with fatal crashes reported across several states.

Drug Courts Helping Troubled Vets Off Streets

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TBN Plans Celebration Program on Paul Crouch's Life

The life of Trinity Broadcasting Network co-founder Paul Crouch will be celebrated publicly on television this coming week.

School Sued for Banning Student's Prayer Event Flyers

A Christian legal group says a school counselor violated a student's first amendment rights by stopping her from posting "See You at the Pole" flyers.

Edible Ginger Bread House Breaks World Record

It's the time of year for Christmas tree lightings, eggnog, Christmas carols, and record-breaking gingerbread houses.

Notre Dame Files Suit over Contraception Mandate

The University of Notre Dame has filed a lawsuit over Obamacare's contraception coverage mandate.


Uncle Contradicts Obama's Claim 'They Never Met'

President Barack Obama's uncle is contradicting the president's claim that the two men never met.

Live Nativity 'Reminder of Higher Authority' to Capitol Hill

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Arctic Cold Blasts Western States, Threatens Crops

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Girl Banned from Selling Mistletoe, Told to Beg

An Oregon girl has been banned from selling mistletoe in a city park. The 11-year-old is raising money to help pay for braces.

Frustration Continues as Obamacare Site Keeps Failing

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NFL Bans Super Bowl Commercial for Gun Company

A commercial submitted to air for the Super Bowl was rejected because the NFL considers it too controversial.

ACLU Sues Catholic Bishops over Abortion Policies

The American Civil Liberties Union is suing the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops over its hospital ethics.

Illinois Unions: Pension Trimming Unfair

Retirees in Illinois are nervous as state lawmakers talk about trimming their pensions.

Giving Tuesday: CBN Partners Match All Donations

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Amazon's Future: Packages Delivered by Drones?

Congress wants to weigh in before online businesses, like Amazon, start using drones to deliver orders to your home.

Gay Couple Fights to Divorce in Miss., Despite Law

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Group Urges Action over Botched Chemical Abortions

Botched chemical abortions from the pill RU-486 in Ohio have occurred in the cases of 42 babies, a pro-life group reports

Can You Trust Hollywood's Rating System?

With all the holiday movies coming out between now and the end of the year, parents have a lot to look at when it comes to what their children watch in the theaters.


Obama: $100 Million to Find Cure for HIV

President Barack Obama's administration plans redirect $100 million on a new initiative to find a cure for HIV.

Can You Trust Hollywood's Rating System?

With all the holiday movies coming out between now and the end of the year, parents have a lot to look at when it comes to what their children watch in the theaters.


Cardinal: Church 'Out-Marketed' on Gay Marriage

New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan says the American debate over gay marriage is not over, but the Catholic church may have been "out-marketed."

NYC Train Crash: 'People Were Thrown to the Other Side'

Federal authorities have begun their investigation into a deadly train crash in New York that killed four and injured more than 60, including the train's conductor.

Expectations Low for Obamacare Website Functionality

The White House says the Obamacare website, is now performing well, but some say that doesn't fix the real problem.


December 2013 INSIDE ISRAEL Headlines

Israelis Celebrate Hanukkah's Cont'd Light of Victory

For eight days at this time of year, Jewish people around the world celebrate Hanukkah, a holiday marking a great victory won 2,000 years ago.

'Silence the Biggest Help' to Anti-Christian, Anti-Semitism

As Jews and Christians worldwide face a growing wave of persecution, one Jewish leader is saying the two groups must stand together to confront increasing violence.

Archaeologists Uncover First-Ever Find in Jerusalem

Israeli archaeologists have uncovered a first-ever find in Jerusalem: an impressive building dating to the second century B.C., the time period of the famous Maccabee family.

Muslim Incitement: The 'Al-Aksa in Danger' Lie

For decades, Islamic leaders have incited Muslims by telling them the al-Aksa Mosque is in danger. It's a dishonest tactic aimed to undermine Israel and Judeo-Christian values.

Netanyahu Invites Pope Francis to Israel

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has invited Pope Francis to visit Israel.


Netanyahu: Iran Sanctions Already Deteriorating

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says relaxed Western sanctions against Iran is already falling apart.

Bethlehem Starts Christmas Season Early

The Christmas season is underway early in Bethlehem, as the town of Jesus' birth kicked off its celebration with a tree lighting ceremony Sunday. 

Fmr. Israeli PM Accuses Netanyahu of 'Making War'

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is giving Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a hard time.

December 2013 POLITICS  Headlines

White House Admits Obama Briefly Lived with Uncle

The White House has changed its story after claiming last year that the president never met his Kenyan uncle, a man who violated U.S. immigration laws for five decades.

Harry Reid Exempts His Staffers from Obamacare

Democratic Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid has exempted his staffers from buying insurance through Obamacare.

Millennials Turn Sour on President Obama

Young people are abandoning President Barack Obama in big numbers, according to a new poll by the Harvard University Institute of Politics.

Social Security Fraud at All Time High

A man fakes dementia in order to claim social security disability. Another man illegally enters the United States then poses as a disabled veteran in order to do the same.

GOP: Obamacare Financially Unsustainable

Republicans on Capitol Hill are continuing their investigation into the failed debut of the president's health care law.

Chamber Fights Unprecedented Red Tape under Obama

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce said it's going to use every resource at its disposal to fight the growing number of federal regulations.

Democrats Want Tighter Restrictions on Gun Parts

Democrats want to mandate that metal components become a permanent part of any gun, as opposed to a removable part of a gun.

Issa Accuses FBI of Blocking IRS Scandal Inquiry

The congressman leading the investigation into the Internal Revenue Service is accusing the FBI of blocking the inquiry.


Supreme Court Rejects Liberty's Obamacare Appeal

The Supreme Court has rejected a lawsuit from Liberty University fighting the birth control coverage mandate in Obamacare.

